I have arrived in Prague after a long day's journey. Perhaps of no surprise, I had begun to read the Lord of the Rings at the start of my trip. As I entered into this story again I found myself identifying with the narrative. For example, have you ever recognized the connection between Hepburn, Saskatchewan and Hobbiton, Shire. After a long arduous journey through the night, the hobbits stopped briefly at Bree, while I had a layover in London, the representative English city. I am presently reading about the Council of Elrond, which reminded me of the day long meetings I was a part of. This connection is further reflected in the similarity between the International Baptist Theological Seminary, which is located in a beautiful estate nestled in a wooded valley and Rivendell. Of course none of this is allegorical since I agree with Tolkien: "I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence."
A couple of random observations:
While in London I bought the least expensive burger meal at this Burger King in the Heathrow airport. It cost a whopping 4.40 pounds. This works out to $10.19 Canadian!
A couple of random observations:
While in London I bought the least expensive burger meal at this Burger King in the Heathrow airport. It cost a whopping 4.40 pounds. This works out to $10.19 Canadian!

In the London airport washroom, the "flush" button is labeled "WAVE ON." But be careful...I literally had to step back after pushing it in order not to get splashed!