Friday, February 02, 2007

Do you know your African Christian history?

On Thursday we heard a presentation from Jonathan Bonk, executive director of Overseas Ministries Study Center in New Haven, Connecticut. He was on his way to Africa to work on a very special project. He shared with us that western Christians have virtually no knowledge of Christianity in Africa. It is the invisible continent when it comes to books about Christian history, yet ironically, it is the place where Christianity is growing the fastest!

The Dictionary of African Christian Biography is starting to fill in this gap of awareness. It is an online dictionary that is gathering the oral history of African Christians and putting it in written format. Educational institutions in Africa countries are taking responsibility to gather the stories of influential and significant people in African Christian history.

You can find this dictionary at

To start with, I would suggest that you read the stories of Hakalla Amale and Kizito. You will be amazed at what God is doing beyond our small circles.

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