I have been in Prague 5 days and for 4 1/2 days I have been sitting in the same chair from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. attending a research colloquia. So what is a research colloquia? It is the opportunity for Ph.D. students to share the present state of their thesis research. There are three kinds of reports: proposal reports, where students present their idea for a thesis topic for the first time; upgrade reports, where students present about two chapters to be assessed for quality; and progress reports, where students present what they have completed over the last year (this is what I did). The reports range in length from 15 minutes (proposals) to 30 minutes (progress) with the same amount of time for discussion and feedback.
What is very exciting about being a part of this research colloquia is the delightful diversity present around the table. The following countries were represented this last week: Czech Republic, Russia, United States, Moldova, Belgium, India, Croatia, Liberia, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Lithuania, Latvia, and of course Canada! This doesn't even cover all the students who attend here. I am very thankful to be part of this Body!